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If you found any kind of value in the show, I’d love you forever if you’re able to leave a review on Apple Podcasts or you can review the show on Spotify. This supports the podcast more than you know, and contributes to helping me bring you more Tiny House Conversations… Plus it’ll only take you a few minutes. Thanks in advance!

Lastly, if you have a question related to tiny house living and you’d like it to be featured on the podcast, send me a voicemail of 90 seconds or less, and me or another guest will answer your question on the show!

Want to see more? You can follow my tiny adventures here:

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THC 006: Van Life and Minimalism with Clare Lovelace

Lessons from van life, minimalism, small space living, and yoga with Clare Lovelace, a yoga teacher, teacher trainer, and dear friend of mine, originally from the UK.

We met in Sydney at yoga several years ago. Clare now lives in Batemans Bay on the South Coast of NSW and is the owner of the yoga studio, Soul Tribe Studio.

I’ve asked Clare to join me on the show today to talk about her experiences and lessons from living full-time in her van a few years ago.

In this conversation we talk about:

  • Clare’s decision to pack up her life in Sydney to live in her van
  • What she learned about herself living the van life
  • Small space living, simplifying life, and minimalism principles
  • How Clare put yoga and conscious living in Bateman’s Bay “on the map”
  • Lots more!

About Clare Lovelace

From an early age, Clare has been fascinated by movement, play and the magic of the natural world. She loves people and the earth, and this love drives everything she does.

Her passion for yoga grew as she started to understand that yoga isn’t something that we ‘do’ with our bodies, it is our natural state that we ‘are’. Yoga is simply a coming home, a journey back to ourselves. 

Clare believes in the power of the Earth. She also believes that by living with respect, love and humility, we can create a peaceful world and begin to heal the trauma of this Earth.

Her intention is to share her love for yoga, people and the Earth as far and wide as possible whilst living in the most sustainable way possible.

You can follow Clare’s adventures here:






Resources mentioned in this conversation:

Dreaming Through Darkness – Charley Morley

Thanks For Listening!

To make sure you’re the first to be notified when a new episode goes live, you can subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Spotify!

If you found any kind of value in the show, I’d love you forever if you’re able to leave a review on Apple Podcasts or you can review the show on Spotify. This supports the podcast more than you know, and contributes to helping me bring you more Tiny House Conversations… Plus it’ll only take you a few minutes. Thanks in advance!

Lastly, if you have a question related to tiny house living and you’d like it to be featured on the podcast, send me a voicemail of 90 seconds or less, and me or another guest will answer your question on the show!

Want to see more? You can follow my tiny adventures here:

Get 75% off the first month of the Premium version - Use the code "LUCY75"

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