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Lastly, if you have a question related to tiny house living and you’d like it to be featured on the podcast, send me a voicemail of 90 seconds or less, and me or another guest will answer your question on the show!

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THC 024: Women in Carpentry and Tiny House Building with Marie Beringer

In an industry that’s largely male-dominant, I’m continually inspired when I meet women in carpentry and tiny house building.

Marie Beringer is a tiny houser originally from France, and is living in Auckland, New Zealand. Marie DIY built her tiny home with the help of some friends and is currently doing an apprenticeship in carpentry. Marie’s DIY story is inspiring!

In this conversation we talk about:

  • Where to start when it comes DIY building a tiny house
  • Marie’s off-grid setup and the challenges of creating a self-sufficient life
  • How Marie found a parking space for her tiny home
  • Women in building and carpentry
  • A realist misconception about living in a tiny house… and more.

About Marie

Marie: “I am Marie and 5 years ago I made the best decision of my life signing up for a tiny house workshop. I was working in a 9 to 5 job in a lab and after that I quit and started my own tiny house journey with the mindset of « how hard can it be »… spoiler alert … it’s hard but not impossible, and with a good attitude and some support, you can do anything. Back to the present day, I now have my tiny house on a beautiful piece of land in west Auckland, entering my second year of a carpentry apprenticeship, building tiny houses for others. I am embarking on a new adventure trying to become more self-sufficient and having fun along the way.”

You can follow Marie’s tiny adventures here:


Resources mentioned in this conversation:

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If you found any kind of value in the show, I’d love you forever if you’re able to leave a review on Apple Podcasts or you can review the show on Spotify. This supports the podcast more than you know, and contributes to helping me bring you more Tiny House Conversations… Plus it’ll only take you a few minutes. Thanks in advance!

Lastly, if you have a question related to tiny house living and you’d like it to be featured on the podcast, send me a voicemail of 90 seconds or less, and me or another guest will answer your question on the show!

Want to see more? You can follow my tiny adventures here:

Get 75% off the first month of the Premium version - Use the code "LUCY75"

Want ideas on finding a parking space for your tiny home?

Discover how 5 tiny housers found their tiny house parking space in a special, unreleased podcast episode: Tiny House Parking Success Stories.

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