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If you found any kind of value in the show, I’d love you forever if you’re able to leave a review on Apple Podcasts or you can review the show on Spotify. This supports the podcast more than you know, and contributes to helping me bring you more Tiny House Conversations… Plus it’ll only take you a few minutes. Thanks in advance!

Lastly, if you have a question related to tiny house living and you’d like it to be featured on the podcast, send me a voicemail of 90 seconds or less, and me or another guest will answer your question on the show!

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THC 067: Hidden Sources of Chemicals in Your Tiny Home (and Low-Tox Healthy Swaps) with Michelle Diener

Today is another healthy tiny home episode with Building Biologist, Michelle Diener from Home-Free Building Biology where we explore all about different chemicals that may be found in our homes, why they’re problematic for our health, common sources, and examples of low-tox healthy swap options.

In this conversation, we discuss:

  • All about plastics
  • Rainwater tanks, which type of material is the safest, healthiest option and the importance of having a water filter
  • Cooking utensils, kitchen equipment, and food storage
  • Mattresses and other furniture like couches / lounges / sofas
  • Personal care, cleaning and gardening products
  • Dust, why it’s a health concern and the best way to clean it… and more.

About Michelle:

Michelle: “Professionally, I’ve worn all sorts of hats as an Occupational Therapist, a Naturopath and in Health Promotion – all with one common thread – helping people to improve their health and wellbeing. Discovering and studying Building Biology was an ‘Aha’ moment for me – of course our homes, where we spend so much of our time, need to enhance our health if the people who live in them are to be healthy too.

My Building Biology toolkit is filled with the theories and practices of my professional life, blended with my personal experiences, with the simple goal of helping you to create a healthier home.”

You can follow Michelle here:

Resources mentioned in this conversation:

Thanks For Listening!

To make sure you’re the first to be notified when a new episode goes live, you can subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Spotify!

If you found any kind of value in the show, I’d love you forever if you’re able to leave a review on Apple Podcasts or you can review the show on Spotify. This supports the podcast more than you know, and contributes to helping me bring you more Tiny House Conversations… Plus it’ll only take you a few minutes. Thanks in advance!

Lastly, if you have a question related to tiny house living and you’d like it to be featured on the podcast, send me a voicemail of 90 seconds or less, and me or another guest will answer your question on the show!

Want to see more? You can follow my tiny adventures here:

Get 75% off the first month of the Premium version - Use the code "LUCY75"

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